University of Florida Potato Variety Trial Program: 'Elkton' Commercial Evaluation

Figure 1. Overview of a commercial evaluation site of ‘Elkton’ and ‘Atlantic’ at a grower’s field in Hastings, Florida during spring, 2011. The flagged potato rows were planted with ‘Elkton’; the other rows were planted with 'Atlantic.'The ‘Elkton’ chipping potato variety was tested on a commercial scale at two growers’ farms in Florida during the 2011 season. The average yield of ‘Elkton’ in the commercial trials ranged between 295 and 324 cwt/ac, an average of 11 percent higher than that of the standard ‘Atlantic,’ and comparable to the yield range obtained in 19 trials conducted over a nine-year period by the University of Florida. This 4-page fact sheet was written by Lincoln Zotarelli, Douglas Gergela, and Dana Fourman, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, October 2014.