Teen Dating on the Decline (FAR1207/FM409)

movie theater date“Ah, the first date! This is coming up soon for some of my teenage friends. Chances are they will be excited—and nervous, too. And it’s no wonder. Child and family experts say that dating is a major change and one of the more challenging adjustments teens face.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Suzanna Smith, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Breastfeeding during Disaster (FAR0430/FM429)

mother nursing baby“As we’ve learned over the past couple of years, disaster can strike anyone, anywhere, and anytime. A natural disaster, whether hurricane, tornado, flood, or tsunami, can devastate areas and leave families without resources, sometimes for long periods of time. And while people of all ages suffer, infants can be at far greater risk. However, mothers can save their infants’ lives and protect them from illness by simply breastfeeding, even if they haven’t been breastfeeding their baby.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Online Sexual Solicitation (FAR1210/FM431)

man using laptop“Internet connectivity in the form of blogs, chat rooms, and forums can be hazardous to our teens today. These online communication aids are not themselves the problem; rather, teens face an ever-present threat of being sexually solicited online.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Kate Fogarty, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

ADHD in Early Childhood: Part 2 – Information for Preschool Teachers (FCS2317/FY1330)

Figure 1. Preschool teachers should be aware of ADHD symptoms and should talk with a child’s parents if they believe a child should be tested for ADHD.Instructing children with ADHD can be a difficult task for many teachers, especially for those in the child care or preschool setting. Children with ADHD are often identified because they show problem behaviors in preschool. Early childhood educators should be aware of ADHD symptoms so that they can spot the signs of the disorder. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Heidi Liss Radunovich and Allie Munch, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

ADHD in Early Childhood: Part 1 – Understanding ADHD in Preschoolers (FCS2316/FY1329)

Figure 1. It is difficult to spot and diagnose ADHD in young children because they are still developing in the areas of attention and focus.Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based disorder that involves difficulty with paying attention, staying still, and thinking carefully about things ahead of time. Preschool children with ADHD are a lot more hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive than children who do not have ADHD. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Allie Munch and Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Teens and Dating: Tips for Parents (FAR1211/FM438)

passing love note in class“I’ll never forget the initial shock I felt when my second grader came home from school one day to tell me that one of her friends was “going out” with one of the little boys in her class. “Going out?!” I asked. “What does that mean?” She couldn’t really answer, much to my relief. Many parents might likewise find themselves unprepared when they first learn their elementary and middle schoolers have developed perfectly normal crushes on their classmates.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Kate Fogarty and Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Helping Children with Homework (FAR1718/FM445)

mother and son doing homework“Although children and their parents often dread homework, it provides an important opportunity for children to practice what they have learned in school, get more in-depth information, apply skills learned more broadly, obtain important learning and organizational skills, and learn how to work independently with self-discipline. Homework can also give parents a sense of what their children are doing in school and how well they are doing. And homework can even enhance parents’ relationships with their children.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Nonresident Mothers (FAR0088/FM424)

barefoot girl on stairs“We read and hear stories with some frequency about “deadbeat dads” or those nonresident fathers who fail to make child support payments. The issue has prompted numerous studies and legislative action as well. But have you ever heard of a “deadbeat mom”? Not likely or rarely. This is a growing problem that has remained largely under the radar.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Talking with Your Child about School (FAR1719/FM446)

mother and son at table“In a hurried world, keeping up with our children when we’re trying to juggle marriage, jobs, possibly multiple children, and the many other challenges life can throw at us, we can feel overwhelmed at times. However, keeping lines of communication open with your children can be critical to how they handle the challenges they face, especially when they are in school.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Eboni Baugh and Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Music Lyrics and Influence on Teen Sex (FAR1213/FM449)

Figure 1. Parental Advisory Explicit Content“As a baby boomer, I was part of the generation that grew up with rock and roll. I recall the first time I heard my mother respond to explicit lyrics my older brother was listening to and thinking what a renegade he was. They weren’t nearly as explicit as the lyrics of today’s music, and while I swore that I’d never become my mother, I now find myself fighting with my children to turn it off! Perhaps mom was not so far off-base after all!” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Involving Youth in the Community Development Process (FAR1214/FM451)

youth helping build a house“As communities face challenges and opportunities to help serve their residents, they’re often faced with a lack of resources, including volunteers. However, many parents are discovering that their children may not only want to volunteer, but many teenagers are required to volunteer if they’re pursuing a future in college.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Rosemary Barnett and Mark Brennan, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Shopping Cart Injuries (FAR5009/FM448)

shopping carts“Perhaps you were one of those children who thought of the shopping cart as a mountain for the courageous climber to conquer, or a racecar with you at the wheel. Or you’ve been challenged by one of those children in the grocery store who were not just riding in, but standing in, climbing on, or pushing that shopping cart like it was their own private jungle gym, skateboard, or glider.”
This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Talking to Your Teens about Dating (FAR1212/FM443)

mother and daughter talking on couch“Talking to teenagers about dating may seem like a daunting task to some parents who are thinking their teen will assume the “Oh no, not another parent talk again” posture. You know the one—head cocked, eyes rolled, and arms crossed. However, talking about it can be very important in determining how your teen approaches dating and his or her future relationships.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Kate Fogarty and Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Choosing an Infant Carrier and Car Seat (FAR0431/FM435)

car seat“When bringing your new baby home from the hospital or birthing center, one of the items you can’t leave without is an infant car seat.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Effective Parenting in the Preadolescent Years (FAR1216/FM455)

Figure 1. Effective parents show love by spending time with their young teen, showing a genuine interest in them. This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Suzanna Smith, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Friends during Early Adolescence (FAR1215/FM454)

four friends pose together in school hallway“If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 10 and 14, you probably have heard, “But Mom, Dad, all my friends do, have, or wear…” something you don’t want them to do, have, or wear.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Suzanna Smith, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Television and Attention Problems (FAR0093/FM453)

young girl watching television“Many parents at one time or another have put a young child in front of a television for a few minutes of household peace. Making a routine of this, however, may create long-term problems.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Diana Converse, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

¿Qué te está picando? (ENY2015S/IN927)

¿Qué te está picando?Pulgas, piojos, chinches, o garrapatas? Ponle atención a tu insecto para que sepas lo que es. This poster was written by E. E. Harlow, C. A. McNeill, R. W. Baldwin, R. M. Pereira, P. G. Koehler, and J. C. Medley, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, April 2012.

What Is Biting You? (ENY2015/IN926)

posterWhy are you itchy? Identify the problem pest with this handy poster written by E. E. Harlow, C. A. McNeill, R. W. Baldwin, R. M. Pereira, P. G. Koehler, and J. C. Medley, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, April 2012.

Early Adolescent Problem Behavior (FAR1217/FM461)

mom talking to son on couch.“You’ve probably known a parent of a middle-schooler who has lamented that aliens abducted their sweet child and returned a different, not so sweet preteen being. Early adolescence is a time of change in the relationship between parent and adolescent, and both have to adjust. Although most families weather these changes without serious difficulties, some families do have problems…” This transcript of a two-minute Family Album Radio broadcast was published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2012.