HS-1113, an 4-page illustrated fact-sheet by Robert C. Hochmuth, Danielle D. Treadwell, Eric H. Simonne, Linda B. Landrum, Wanda L. Laughlin, and Lei Lani Davis, describes the results of trials of using soilless culture and shade to extend the bell pepper growing season through the hottest part of the summer and into fall. Includes tables of trial data. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2007.
Category: Agriculture
HS-1121/HS338 Keys to Successfully Choosing Enterprises That Suit Your Small Farm
HS-1121, an 11-page fact-sheet by Robert Hochmuth, Larry Halsey, George Hochmuth, Chad Hutchinson, and Linda Landrum, helps farmers begin the decision-making process of evaluating alternative enterprises. It discusses key points to consider, and how to take a resource inventory before getting started. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, September 2007.
PI-158/PI195 Surviving the FDACS Bureau of Compliance Monitoring Inspection: Walking through an Inspection
PI-158, a 13-page illustrated fact-sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, assists agricultural producers in preparing for the day when the inspector arrives at their operation. It reviews the elements that an inspector for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Bureau of Compliance Monitoring (BCM) will examine during a routine agricultural establishment inspection. Includes references and a copies of related forms. Published by UF Department of Agronomy, November 2007.
FCS8842/FY966: Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce: Part 1
FCS8842, a facts-heet by Brian Lapinski, Amy Simonne, and M.E. Swisher, introduces readers to the PACE principles (prevention, accountability, control, and education) of food safety as they apply to small farm management. Includes a slide presentation. Published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.
FCS8845/FY969 Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce, Part 4: Farm Map Activity
FCS8845, a 3-page fact-sheet by Brian Lapinski, Amy Simonne, and M.E. Swisher, provides a schematic map of a theoretical farm and invites readers to identify and comment on the potential food safety risks depicted.Published by UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.
ENH 1078/EP329 Evaluation of Petunia Cultivars as Bedding Plants for Florida
ENH1078, an 11-page illustrated fact-sheet by R.O. Kelly, Z. Deng, and B. K. Harbaugh, describes the history of petunia breeding in Florida and summarizes the results of field trials testing best performing cultivars in Florida and comparing the resulting standards with untested varieties from seed companies around the world. Includes a list of high performing cultivars, a table with detailed performance data and digital images of cultivars by class. Published by UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2007.
FE701/FE701 Issues at the Rural-Urban Fringe: Hillsborough County Agriculture Stewardship Program
FE701, an 8-page fact-sheet by Rodney L. Clouser and Stephen Gran, describes a stewardship program developed to prevent premature conversion of agricultural land in this rapidly growing county surrounding Tampa Bay. Includes references. Published by UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, November 2007.
FA147/FA147 Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus
FA147, a 5-page fact-sheet by Christian L. Miller, Cortney L. Ohs, R. LeRoy Creswell, introduces this lobster with whip-like antennae for aquaculture in Florida. It gives description and natural history and discusses culture methods, market, and diseases that may affect its aquaculture potential. Includes references and recommended additional reading. Published by UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, September 2007.
PP242/PP161 Charcoal Rot of Strawberries Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina
PP 242, an 2-page illustrated fact-sheet by N.A. Peres and James C. Mertely, describes this new crown-rot disease in Florida—causal agent and symptoms, disease development and spread, and control . Published by UF Department of Plant Pathology, November 2007.
ABE 381/AE428 Degree Days: Heating, Cooling, and Growing
ABE-381, a 7-page illustrated fact-sheet by Clyde W. Fraisse, John Bellow, and Charles Brown, discusses how growers can use the AgClimate web site to find out how to predict Growing Degree Day accumulation for the current season, and to review GDD for past seasons. Includes references. Published by UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, October 2007.
ENY-694/IG110 Managing Pests of Indoor Plantscapes
Revised! ENY-694, a 9-page fact-sheet by E. A. Buss, L. S. Osborne, S. M. Dickerson and J. F. Price, is part of the Florida Master Gardener Handbook. It describes special aspects of interiorscape pest management. Includes a diagnostic guide for plants grown indoors, products available for interiorscape pest management, and insect and mite pesticide options. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, October 2007.
HS925/HS181 Potato Vine Killing or Desiccation
Revised! HS-925, a 3-page fact-sheet by Chad M. Hutchinson and William M. Stall, describes mechanical, chemical, and combination methods of killing potato vines to ensure tuber maturity at harvest. Includes a table listing potato vine dessicants and references. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.
HS196/WG037 Weed Control in Strawberry
Revised! HS-196, a 3-page fact-sheet by William M. Stall, provides pesticide recommendations for strawberry production . Includes a table listing chemical weed controls for strawberry in Florida. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.
HS192/WG032 Weed Control in Okra
Revised! HS-192, a 2-page fact-sheet by William M. Stall, provides pesticide recommendations for okra production . Includes a table listing chemical weed controls for okra in Florida. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.
HS199/WG034 Weed Control in Pepper
Revised! HS-199, a 5-page fact-sheet by William M. Stall, provides recommendations for total farm weed management in pepper production . Includes a table listing chemical weed controls for peppers in Florida. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.
PI159/PI196 Pesticide Spill Kits
PI-159, a 3-page illustrated fact-sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, describes the kits that pesticide applicators should maintain for use in the event of an accidental release of a pesticide. It lists contents for simple and more elaborate kits and general spill clean-up procedures. Published by UF Department of Agronomy, November 2007.
CIR 1517/FR178 Nature-based Tourism in Florida: Letting Nature Work for You
Circular 1517, a 15 page full-color catalog compiled by Mechelle N. Best and Taylor V. Stein, provides case studies of ten private nature-based tourism businesses throughout Florida. Each case study provides a brief description of the site, presents the start-up and operational challenges encountered, and highlights the lessons learned by the various owners/operators. Finally the benefits to the owner/manager and the reasons why they stick with it are provided. Published by UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2007.
SS-AGR-27/AG126: Conversion Factors
Revised! SS-AGR-27, a 3-page fact sheet by F.M. Fishel, J.A. Ferrell, and G. E. MacDonald, provides conversion factors for mass, area, velocity, pressure, temperature, length, liquid, and commodity weights, plus a list of abbreviations. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2007.
HS-108/HS332: Performance of Selected Diploid Watermelon Pollenizers
HS-108, a 6-page fact sheet by J.H. Freeman, G. A. Miller, S.M. Olson, provides growers with results and discussion of studies to determine the effectiveness of diploid watermelon cultivars as pollenizers for more popular triploid seedless watermelon crops. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, January 2007.
HS-1101/HS352: Pepper Spot (“Gomasho”) on Napa Cabbage
HS-1101, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by David Studstill, Eric Simonne, Jeff Brecht and Phyllis Gilreath, describes this physiological problem affecting the midribs of Napa cabbage, the symptoms, possible internal causes and postharvest handling effects on pepper spot. Includes selected references and a table showing sensitivity by variety. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, May 2007.