Phytophthora Identification and Sampling in Citrus Nurseries

phytophthora ID brochure
Phytophthora species are important soil-borne, fungus-like pathogens that attack the root systems, trunk, and fruit of citrus trees at any age. The front of this identification sheet includes images of healthy and infested roots and descriptions of leaf and root symptoms. The back lists sampling procedures: soil collection, soil testing, and diagnosing phytophthora. Written by Jamie D. Burrow, Diane B. Bright, Tim D. Riley, and James H. Graham, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, July 2015.

Sintomas de Cancro Citrico en Arboles de Vivero (PP307)

page 1This is a two-page illustrated identification sheet for citrus canker symptoms that appear in citrus nurseries. Written by Timothy D. Riley, Megan M. Dewdney, and Jamie D. Burrow, and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, May 2013.

Citrus Canker Symptoms on Nursery Trees (PP304)

First page of identification sheetThis document is a two-page illustrated identification sheet for citrus canker symptoms that appear in citrus nurseries. Written by Timothy D. Riley, Megan M. Dewdney, and Jamie D. Burrow, and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, April 2013.