Oysters for the Future: Oystering Rules, The Whys and Wherefores

Figure 3. The oyster bed is photographed at low tide when the animals are exposed to the air. These are called inter-tidal oyster beds. In some places in Florida, where the water is deeper in the estuary, the oysters always are underwater. These are called sub-tidal oyster beds. Credit: UF/IFAS photo

The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) provides many important functions in coastal environments, from serving a crucial role in the estuary’s food web to improving water quality for beachgoers and wildlife. Oysters are also a popular food choice for people. At times the commercial industry landings value has topped $8 million annually in Florida. This 2-page fact sheet written by Erik Lovestrand and published by the Florida Sea Grant College Program is one in a series that highlights some of the key ecological and human factors important to the long-term sustainability of this valuable fishery.