Application of Auto-steering Technology for Tree Planting (AE475)

Setting up new orchards or planting new trees on existing beds is one of those orchard operations that have not yet been fully mechanized. Auto-steering technology can be used in conjunction with a tree planting unit to mechanize this operation and reduce tree planting costs. Learn more in this 5-page fact sheet was written by Reza Ehsani and Esa Ontermaa, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering,March 2011.

AE467 Grower Expectations of New Technologies for Applications in Precision Horticulture

AE467, a 4-page article by Reza Ehsani, Sindhuja Sankaran, and Cristian Dima, reports the results of a needs assessment focus meeting. It provides a synopsis of perceived apple and orange growers’ needs, expectations, and concerns related to the new technologies being developed for various precision horticulture applications. Published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, October 2010.