Sand-Clay Mix in Phosphate Mine Reclamation: Characteristics and Land Use

Inlet pipe depositing sand-clay mix.
Phosphate rock is a key component in producing fertilizer and many other economically important products. Getting phosphate rock out of the ground produces a by-produce called phosphate clay, which mining operations must return to the landscape. However, phosphate clay retains large amounts of water, making them unsuitable for use as farmland or wildlife habitat. This 6-page fact sheet explains how using a sand-clay mix can more efficiently restore the landscape and put it to beneficial use. Written by Casey Beavers, Edward A. Hanlon, Matt Wilson, James “Bud” Cates, and George J. Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Sciences, July 2015.

Understanding Nitrogen Availability from Applications of Anaerobically Digested Beef-Cattle Manure in Florida Sandy Soil

Figure 1. Beef cattle in a confined feeding operation will produce manure that can be easily collected and digested anaerobically. Credit: George Hochmuth, UF/IFASAnaerobic digestion of livestock manure is a microbe-mediated process carried out in vessels or tanks, where the livestock wastes are digested slowly in environment absent of oxygen. The main products are biogas, anaerobically digested liquid (ADL), and solid (ADS), which can be land-applied as an organic soil amendment or a source of plant nutrients. This 4-page fact sheet provides research-based information about using anaerobically digested beef-cattle manure as an organic source of nitrogen for supplementing crop nutrition in Florida sandy soils, including initial N concentration, application timing, rate of application, and method of application. Written by Rishi Prasad and George Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, April 2015. (Photo: George Hochmuth, UF/IFAS)

Managing Nitrogen Inputs and Outputs on a Dairy Farm

Figure 1. Nitrogen flows of a dairy forage system. Credit: R. HellmuthIn dairy production systems, nitrogen flows through both the forage crops and the dairy cows. Forage crops use nitrogen mineralized from manure for plant growth. Harvested crops are then fed to dairy cows that, in turn, use the nitrogen for their growth and milk production. When the cows excrete a portion of the consumed nitrogen as manure the cycle is renewed. This 5-page fact sheet focuses on the forage production aspect of the nitrogen cycle at a dairy farm. Written by Rebecca Hellmuth and George Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, March 2015. (Image credit: R. Hellmuth)

Impacto de las variedades de tomate y su estado de madurez en la susceptibilidad a Salmonella

Figure 1. Tomatoes of different varieties at different maturity stages are cued for testing for their resistance to SalmonellaDe 1998 a 2007 la fruta fresca, verdura, especias y nueces fueron comúnmente asociados con brotes de gastroenteritis (Batz, Hoffman, y Morris 2011). Salmonella se ha convertido en uno de los patógenos humanos más problemáticos asociado a productos frescos, nueces y a los alimentos que contienen esos ingredientes (Batz, Hoffman, y Morris 2011; deWaal, Tian, y Plunkett 2009). Esta hoja informativa fue producida para proveer información actualizada sobre las prácticas de producción de tomate y sus asociaciones con Salmonella. Esta información es útil para los Agentes de Extensión Agraria en sus programas de educación sobre cultivos hortícolas. This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Impact of Tomato Varieties and Maturity State on Susceptibility of Tomatoes to Salmonella (SS627). It was written by Massimiliano Marvasi, Max Teplitski, and George Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, February 2015. (Photo: Max Teplitski)

Contribucion de las practicas de produccion de cultivos y las condiciones climaticas a la seguridad microbiologica de los tomates y pimientos

Figure 1. Tomato plants in the field at the UF/IFAS Research and Education Center in Citra, Florida, are subjected to different irrigation and fertilization regimens.Durante la última década, las frutas, verduras y frutos secos se encuentran entre los alimentos relacionados con brotes de gastroenteritis causadas por cepas enterovirulentas de E. coli y Salmonella no tifoidea que resultan en miles de hospitalizaciones y pérdidas de varios millones de dólares en la industria de alimentos (Mandrell 2009; Batz, Hoffman, y Morris 2011). Desde 2006, dieciséis brotes de salmonelosis se han relacionado con el consumo de frutas y verduras, incluyendo tomates, melones, coles, pepinos, mangos, piñones, pistachos, mantequilla de maní, papayas, pimientos y además alimentos congelados y procesados que contienen productos vegetales. Esta hoja informativa fue producida para proveer información actualizada sobre las prácticas de producción de tomate y sus asociaciones con Salmonella. Esta información es útil para Agentes de Extensión Agraria en sus programas de educación sobre cultivos hortícolas. This 4-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of The Role of Crop Production Practices and Weather Conditions in Microbiological Safety of Tomatoes and Peppers (SS628). It was written by Massimiliano Marvasi, Max Teplitski, and George Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, February 2015.

The role of crop production practices and weather conditions in microbiological safety of tomatoes and peppers

Figure 1. Tomato plants in the field at the UF/IFAS Research and Education Center in Citra, Florida, are subjected to different irrigation and fertilization regimens.Salmonella and other human pathogens can contaminate produce at any stage from “farm to fork.” If we can better understand how production practices may make crops more or less susceptible to human pathogens we may be able to significantly reduce the number and severity of the produce-associated outbreaks. This 3-page fact sheet provides up-to-date information about tomato production practices and their relationships with Salmonella. Written by Massimiliano Marvasi, George Hochmuth, and Max Teplitski, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, December 2014. (Photo: Max Teplitski, UF/IFAS)

Impact of Tomato Varieties and Maturity State on Susceptibility of Tomatoes to Salmonella

Figure 1. Tomatoes of different varieties at different maturity stages are cued for testing for their resistance to SalmonellaNon-typhoidal Salmonella has emerged as one of the problematic human pathogens associated with fresh produce, nuts, and complex foods containing them. Recent research shows that some varieties of plants are more “resistant” to colonization by the pathogens than others. This raises the intriguing possibility that cultivar selection could be used to identify crop varieties that may be less conducive to proliferation of human pathogens. This 3-page fact sheet provides up-to-date information about tomato production practices and their relationships with Salmonella. Written by Massimiliano Marvasi, George Hochmuth, and Max Teplitski, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, December 2014. (Photo: Max Teplitski, UF/IFAS)

The Four Rs of Fertilizer Management

4 R's: right rate, right source, right placement, right timingSupplying needed nutrients for crop production involves attention to four major fertilization factors (the 4Rs): right rate, right source, right placement, and right timing. Attention to these factors will provide adequate nutrition for crop production while minimizing the risk of loss of nutrients to the environment. In this publication each factor is described, as well as how the information can be provided from a soil test report. While not a formal part of the 4Rs, the importance of irrigation to overall nutrient management is stressed in this 4-page fact sheet written by George Hochmuth, Rao Mylavarapu, and Ed Hanlon, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2014.

Fertilizer Recommendation Philosophies

Figure 2. Incorporating fertilizer for an experiment on fertilizer rate and source for tomato.Farmers receive varying fertilizer recommendations depending on which lab they consult because labs employ different chemical methods and procedures to analyze the samples and subscribe to different fertilizer recommendation philosophies. This 4-page fact sheet explains the main soil-test philosophies, their basis, and their applications, and explains why the Sufficiency Level of Available Nutrient philosophy (SLAN), also called the Crop Nutrient Requirement (CNR), is most likely to be the best to govern fertilizer recommendations in Florida today. Written by George Hochmuth, Rao Mylavarapu, and Ed Hanlon, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2014. (Photo by George Hochmuth, UF/IFAS)

Soil Testing for Plant-Available Nutrients: What Is It and Why Do We Use It?

Figure 1. Scheme illustrating random soil sampling on a commercial agricultural farm or a landscapeFarmers need soil-testing procedures to assess soils for potential plant-available nutrients. Soil testing is the foremost best management practice (BMP). It helps farmers achieve profitable crops while protecting the environment from excessive fertilization and nutrient losses. This 5-page fact sheet describes the important steps required to test soil for potential plant-available nutrients. Written by George Hochmuth, Rao Mylavarapu, and Ed Hanlon, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2014.

Developing a Soil Test Extractant: The Correlation and Calibration Processes

Soil Sampling.An understanding of soil testing is an important part of preventing excess fertilizer applications that can potentially impact the environment and ensuring commercially viable yields and aesthetic, healthy landscapes. This 4-page fact sheet describes the process UF/IFAS soil scientists used to develop a predictive and/or diagnostic soil test that can be depended on by commercial agricultural and horticultural producers as well as homeowners and can provide accurate nutrient recommendations or diagnose nutrient imbalances for crops or plants. Written by George Hochmuth, Rao Mylavarapu, and Ed Hanlon, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2014.

Extraction of Soil Nutrients Using Mehlich-3 Reagent for Acid-Mineral Soils of Florida

Figure 4. Correlation between M1 and M3 extraction methods for soil MgSoil testing is a multistep process starting with the collection of a sample that adequately represents the area or field to be tested. Due to wide-ranging soil conditions across Florida and the United States, multiple soil test methods exist. During the 1970s, Florida along with several other southeastern US states adopted Mehlich-1 (M1) as the official extractant for acidic soils. The UF/IFAS Plant Nutrient Oversight Committee approved the change from M1 to M3 in 2010. Based on observations of the interpretations, the technical committee revised the M3 interpretation in March 2014. The new interpretations have been correlated with the M1 interpretations, as closely and realistically as possible, so the actual nutrient recommendations are not changed. This 7-page fact sheet was written by Rao Mylavarapu, Tom Obreza, Kelly Morgan, George Hochmuth, Vimala Nair, and Alan Wright, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, May 2014.

Anaerobic Digesters for Manure Management for Livestock Operations

Figure 8. (A) Manure and bedding mixture is being loaded into (B) the mixed plug-flow anaerobic digester (biogas is unloaded at the far end). Credit: George Hochmuth, University of FloridaLivestock wastes can be important sources of nutrients for crops, but manure must be managed properly to prevent loss of nutrients to the environment in air or ground and/or surface water. Stabilization of manure is important prior to successfully recycling the organic material back to arable lands. Methods for stabilizing livestock wastes include composting, aerobic digestion, anaerobic digestion, lime stabilization, and heat drying. The stabilization process reduces the organic matter and water contents, unpleasant odors, concentrations of pathogenic microorganisms, and weed seeds. Anaerobic digestion (AD), which is the topic of this fact sheet, also results in the production of renewable energy in the form of methane-rich biogas. This 10-page fact sheet informs farmers and Extension agents about types of anaerobic digester systems used in the United States with various manure-handling systems. It points out digester systems currently being used in Florida and the benefits of managing livestock manure with a digester system. Written by Rishi Prasad, George Hochmuth, and Ann C. Wilkie, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, March 2014.

How to Calculate a Partial Nitrogen Mass Budget for Potato

Figure 1.  Center pivot irrigated potato in Florida.This 6-page fact sheet provides information on the importance of nitrogen budgets for potato cultivation and discusses the steps in preparing the budget. It allows growers to understand the inputs, cycling, and exports of nutrients within and away from the farm, develop a nutrient budget, and analyze best management practices (BMPs) for their farm. The results will be increased N fertilizer use efficiency, increased environmental protection, and reduced economic losses associated with potato cultivation. This document will also aid county agents, environmental management advisors, and government agency staff members who help farmers improve and implement nutrient BMPs to protect water quality. Written by Rishi Prasad and George Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, December 2013.

Conducting a Blue Dye Demonstration to Teach Irrigation and Nutrient Management Principles in a Residential Landscape

Figure 5. This photo shows a comparison of the depth that the dye moves in clay soils (left) versus sandy soil (right). This publication discusses the “blue dye” test, which is one way that Extension professionals can show homeowners how water and nutrients move through the soil following irrigation. The information should be useful for county agents to demonstrate basic irrigation and nitrogen management practices and their effects on nitrate-nitrogen (N) leaching. This 4-page fact sheet was written by George Hochmuth, Laurie Trenholm, Esen Momol, Don Rainey, Claire Lewis, and Brian Niemann, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, November 2013.

The Role of Soil Management in Minimizing Water and Nutrient Losses from the Urban Landscape

Figure 2. Fill sand is typically added to a construction site to raise the elevation, resulting in the burial of the native soil profile. In this picture, note that various fill materials were applied in layers to establish the final grade.Soil is the most important building block of a healthy, attractive landscape, serving many important physical, chemical, and biological functions. Soil provides a physical substrate for plant support and holds nutrients and water for plant use. It also facilitates groundwater recharge (water moving from surface water to groundwater) and provides long-term storage for organic matter. Soil also provides a habitat for microorganisms that aid in the transformation and availability of nutrients. Soil is an integral part of any ecosystem, but urbanization often changes soils in ways that negatively affect plant development. Soils in urban areas may have reduced water infiltration, resulting in increased runoff and increased potential for nutrient losses. Homeowners in urban areas often overcompensate for poor planting conditions by applying inappropriate amounts of fertilizer and water. These practices eventually lead to nutrient losses through stormwater runoff or soil leaching, and these lost nutrients negatively impact groundwater and ecosystems in nearby springs, streams, and water bodies. This 6-page fact sheet was written by George Hochmuth, Laurie Trenholm, Esen Momol, Don Rainey, Claire Lewis, and Brian Niemann, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, November 2013.

Maximizing the Benefits of Reclaimed Water for Irrigating the Landscape and Protecting the Environment

Figure 1. Reclaimed water reuse storage tank. Credits: Shanin Speas, FDEPReclaimed water is water that has been treated in municipal wastewater facilities and is safe to use for designated purposes, including residential landscape irrigation. “Water reuse” is the term used to describe the beneficial application of reclaimed water. Approximately 663 million gallons of reclaimed water are used daily in Florida. Florida is a national leader in using reclaimed water, and in 2006 Florida’s reuse program received the first U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Water Efficiency Leader Award. Using reclaimed water in Florida meets a state objective for conserving freshwater supplies, and preserves the water quality of rivers, streams, lakes, and aquifers. This publication discusses the benefits of using reclaimed water to irrigate the landscape and explains how using reclaimed water helps to protect the environment. This 4-page fact sheet was written by George Hochmuth, Laurie Trenholm, Don Rainey, Esen Momol, Claire Lewis, and Brian Niemann, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, November 2013.

Managing Landscape Irrigation to Avoid Soil and Nutrient Losses

Figure 1. Plants have different root zones. Knowing the plant’s root zone can help you determine how long to operate the irrigation system to avoid excessive irrigation.Proper irrigation management is critical to conserve and protect water resources and to properly manage nutrients in the home landscape. How lawns and landscapes are irrigated directly impacts the natural environment, so landscape maintenance professionals and homeowners must adopt environmentally-friendly approaches to irrigation management. After selecting the right plant for the right place, water is the next critical factor to establish and maintain a healthy lawn and landscape. Fertilization is another important component of lawn and landscape maintenance, and irrigation must be applied correctly, especially following fertilization, to minimize potential nutrient losses. This publication supplements other UF/IFAS Extension publications that also include information on the role of soil and the root zone in irrigation management. This publication is designed to help UF/IFAS Extension county agents prepare materials to directly address nutrient losses from lawns and landscapes caused by inadequate irrigation management practices.This 6-page fact sheet was written by George Hochmuth, Laurie Trenholm, Don Rainey, Esen Momol, Claire Lewis, and Brian Niemann, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2013.

Using Reclaimed Water to Irrigate Turfgrass: Lessons Learned from Research with Phosphorus

Figure 1.  The overview of greenhouse operation showing the growing tubs with the established sod and the drains for collecting leachate. Credit: Dr. Jinghua FanMunicipal wastes are treated at a wastewater treatment facility to produce biosolids and reclaimed water. Reclaimed water treated by filtration and chlorination is safe to use for designated purposes, such as residential landscape irrigation. Florida began using reclaimed water in 1966, and it is a leading state for using reclaimed water. Approximately 660 million gallons of reclaimed water are used every day in Florida, and the state encourages using reclaimed water as an alternative water source to reduce the pressure on potable water supplies. This 3-page fact sheet summarizes the results of a recent research project and provides research-based information for improving nutrient and water management with reclaimed water irrigation of turfgrass. Written by George Hochmuth, Jinghua Fan, Jason Kruse, and Jerry Sartain, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2013.

Using Reclaimed Water to Irrigate Turfgrass: Lessons Learned from Research with Nitrogen

Figure 1.  The overview of greenhouse operation showing the growing tubs with the established sod and the drains for collecting leachate. Credit: Dr. Jinghua FanMunicipal wastes are treated at a wastewater treatment facility to produce biosolids and reclaimed water. Reclaimed water treated by filtration and chlorination is safe to use for designated purposes, such as residential landscape irrigation. Florida began using reclaimed water in 1966, and it is a leading state for using reclaimed water. Approximately 660 million gallons of reclaimed water are used every day in Florida, and the state encourages using reclaimed water as an alternative water source to reduce the pressure on potable water supplies. This 5-page fact sheet summarizes the results of a recent research project and provides research-based information for improving nutrient and water management with reclaimed water irrigation of turfgrass. Written by George Hochmuth, Jinghua Fan, Jason Kruse, and Jerry Sartain, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2013.