Fruits and vegetables should be a main component of every meal. They are low in calories and provide a number of vitamins that you need in your diet. By making half of your plate fruits and vegetables at every meal, you will reduce your risk for chronic diseases and may even protect yourself against certain types of cancer. This 4-page fact sheet provides information on fruits and vegetables and includes tips on how to add more of them to your diet. Written by Jonathan Holzinger, Karla Shelnutt, and Gail Kauwell, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2013.
Tag: Fruits and Vegetables
FCS8708/FY380 Finding Fresh Florida Produce
FCS8708, a 2-page fact sheet by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, provides a chart showing peak times to buy fresh Florida fruits and vegetables. Includes reference. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2010.
FCS8926/FY1196 Fruits and Vegetables
FCS8926, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Jamie C. Stolarz and Karla P. Shelnutt, highlights the nutrient content and health benefits of fruits and vegetables. It also includes the recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables and tips on purchasing and eating more of them. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2010.
Florida Fresh series
This is a series of 2-page fact sheets by Claudia Peñuela about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. They include nutrition facts, brief discussion of why consumers should buy locally, information about where and when the produce is available in Florida, selection tips and recipes. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2009.
- FCS8877/FY1099: Cucumbers
- FCS8881/FY1121: Pecans
- FCS8876/FY1115: Persimmons
- FCS8878/FY1101: Cantaloupes
- FCS8880/FY1119: Summer Squash
- FCS8674/FY273: Tomatoes (revised, with Jennifer Hillan)
- FCS8879/FY1117: Lettuce
Lo más fresco de la Florida serie
This series of 2-page illustrated fact sheets are Spanish language translations of the Florida Fresh series, about fruits and vegetables available in Florida’s farmers’ markets. They include nutrition facts, brief discussion of why consumers should buy locally, information about where and when the produce is available in Florida, selection tips and recipes. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2009.
- FCS8674Span/FY1098: Tomates
- FCS8876Span/FY1116: Persimos
- FCS8877Span/FY1100: Pepinos
- FCS8878Span/FY1102: Melones (cantaloupes)
- FCS8879Span/FY1118: Lechugas
- FCS8880Span/FY1120: Calabacines (de Verano)
- FCS8881Span/FY1122: Nueces (pecans)