This 33-page collection of maps depicts channels included in the Charlotte County General Permit (GP)1. Each map shows either channel segments within a GP trafficshed or segments in a GP secondary channel system. Written by Robert A. Swett, David A. Fann, and Elizabeth Staugler, and published on EDIS by Florida Sea Grant, October 2014.
Tag: Elizabeth Staugler
SGEB63/SG097 Navigational, Historical, and Environmental Perspective of Charlotte County Waterways
SGEB-63, a 2-page full-color map and guide by David A. Fann, Robert A. Swett, and Elizabeth Staugler, using natural-color aerial photographs, along with historic pictures and maps to help visitors and residents enjoy and appreciate what they can see and access from recreational vessels. Published by the Florida Sea Grant Program, September 2008.