Yellowmargined Leaf Beetle: A Pest of Cole Crops

igure 1. A young mustard plant being eaten by YMLB adults and larvae.The yellowmargined leaf beetle is a pest of cole or cruciferous crops that is native to South America. Since first reported in Mobile, Alabama, in 1947, the beetle has spread throughout the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida and up into Georgia and North Carolina. It has also been reported from Illinois and California. Not considered a major pest in conventionally grown cruciferous crops because it is susceptible to a wide range of insecticides, it poses a significant threat to the growing organic industry in the southeastern United States. It is a particular problem on Asian greens such as mizuna, mibuna, and napa cabbage, as well as on other high-value cruciferous crops like turnip, mustard, and watercress. This 4-page fact sheet was written by Elena M. Rhodes and and Oscar E. Liburd, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, September 2014.

Flower Thrips in Blackberries in Florida

Figure 1.  A blackberry field in Florida. Credit: O. E. Liburd, UFBlackberry production is a small but growing industry in the state of Florida. Their numerous health benefits make them a good choice for Florida growers who want to diversify from traditional crops such as strawberries. Several potential pest insects and mites have been found on blackberries in Florida, but the two most likely to become key pests are stink bugs and flower thrips. This 3-page fact sheet provides information on flower thrips identification, monitoring and management for blackberries. Written by Oscar E. Liburd, Elena M. Rhodes, Elke Weibelzahl, and Sara E. Brennan, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2014.