Caladiums are commonly grown in containers, hanging baskets, or planted directly in the landscape as accent and border plants. New caladium cultivar introductions are important to the Florida caladium industry, the greenhouse/nursery industries, and commercial landscape maintenance companies. The UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center released three new caladium cultivars, ‘Cosmic Delight’, ‘Fiesta’, and ‘Hearts Desire’, in 2015. This 7-page document describes the characteristics, production potential, and performance of these cultivars. Written by Zhanao Deng and published by the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department, December 2017.
Tag: Caladiums
’Fairytale Princess’ and ’Red Hot’: Red Lance-leaved Caladium Cultivars
Caladiums are valued in landscapes and containers for their colorful and variable-shaped leaves. Two types of caladium cultivars exist in commercial production: fancy- and lance-leaved. ‘Florida Sweetheart’ is the most popular lance-leaved commercial cultivar of all colors. It produces wide lance leaves with a rosy color and relatively large tubers. ‘Florida Red Ruffles’ is the most popular red, lance-leaved commercial cultivar among caladium growers, greenhouse growers, and nurseries. It has excellent sunburn tolerance. Both cultivars were introduced by the University of Florida (UF) caladium breeding program. This 9-page fact sheet was written by Zhanao Deng, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2013.
'Strawberry Star': A Spotted, Fancy-Leaved Caladium for Use in Containers and Landscapes (ENH1201/EP462)
'Strawberry Star' is a fancy-leaved variety with a primarily white leaf face and attractive red spots. It is similar to 'Marie Moir' in leaf color and coloration pattern but different from 'Marie Moir' in petiole color. Compared to 'Marie Moir', 'Strawberry Star' sprouts earlier, produces high-quality container plants, demonstrates better landscape performance, and yields more tubers. These improvements make 'Strawberry Star' a desirable replacement for 'Marie Moir' and an additional sun-tolerant variety for the landscape plant palette. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Zhanao Deng, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2012.
'Summer Pink': A New Pink, Fancy-Leaved Caladium Variety (ENH1200/EP461)
‘Summer Pink’ is a new fancy-leaved caladium variety developed by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) caladium breeding program for use in large containers and shady locations in the landscape (Deng and Harbaugh 2012). Leaves of this variety have a pink face and pink veins. In replicated field and greenhouse trials, ‘Summer Pink’ performed comparably or better than ‘Fannie Munson’ and ‘White Queen’, two pink caladium varieties commonly used in containers and landscapes. This 4-page fact sheet was written by Zhanao Deng, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2012.
‘Cherry Tart’: A Dwarf Red Lance-Leaved Caladium Variety (ENH1184/EP445)
This 5-page fact sheet introduces a new lance-leafed caladium variety that was released in April 2011. It has bright red color, slightly undulate leaf margins, and a broadly cordate leaf shape. Written by Zhanao Deng and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2011.
‘Tapestry’: A Pink Fancy-Leaved Caladium Variety for Containers and Landscapes (ENH1183/EP444)
Move over ‘Carolyn Whorton’, there’s a new variety of fancy-leaved pink caladium coming on the scene. ‘Tapestry’ is intended for use in large containers and landscapes. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Zhanao Deng, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2011.
ENH1139/EP400 ‘Berry Patch’ – A New University of Florida Caladium Variety for Use in Sunny Landscapes and Containers
ENH1139, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Zhanao Deng and Brent K. Harbaugh, describes this new, spotted, fancy-leaved caladium variety with superior tuber yields — origin, description, tuber production, landscape performance, container forcing, and availability. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2009.
ENH1109/EP372 ‘UF-331’ and ‘UF-340’ – Two University of Florida Dwarf Caladium Varieties for Containers and Landscapes
ENH-1109, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by Zhanao Deng, describes these two new lance-leafed caladium varieties with novel combinations of foliar characteristics — their origin, description, tuber production, container forcing and performance, landscape performance, recommendations and availability. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, January 2009.
ENH1007/EP258 2003 Survey of the Florida Caladium Tuber Production Industry
Revised! ENH-1007, a fact sheet by Z. Deng, B.K. Harbaugh, R.K. Schoellhorn, and R.C.
Andrews, reports the results of a survey of Florida caladium growers and industry to gather demographic information, to understand the industry’s needs, and to identify the leading cultivars grown commercially in Florida. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, December 2008.
ENH1105/EP369 ‘Cranberry Star’ – A New University of Florida Caladium Variety
ENH1105, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Zhanao Deng, describes this unique new caladium variety with bright white leaves, green veins, and bright purple spots — its origin, description, tuber production, container forcing, landscape performance, and availability. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, November 2008.
ENH-1106/EP370 ‘UF-404’ – a New University of Florida Caladium Variety for Use in the Container and the Landscape
ENH-1106, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Zhanao Deng, describes this red, lance-leafed caladium variety with a nuique coloration pattern — its origin, tuber production, container forcing, landscape performance, chilling resistance and availability. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, November 2008.