Revised! ENH-865, a 21-page illustrated directory by Sydney Park Brown, Kim Taylor and Emily Eubanks, lists by county the demonstration gardens of UF’s Cooperative Extension Service. Published by UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2007.
SS-AGR-290/AG295 Control of Redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana) in Pastures
SS-AGR-290, a 2-page illustrated fact-sheet by Jason Ferrell, Brent Sellers and Joseph Walter, describes this wetland plant with red rhizome and flattened leaves which can be a problem in newly established, declining, or mole-cricket damaged pastures. Includes herbicide recommendations. Published by UF Department of Agronomy, December 2007.
HS-190/WG029 Weed Control in Cucurbit Crops (Muskmelon, Cucumber, Squash, and Watermelon)
Revised! HS-190, a 6-page fact-sheet by William M. Stall, describes recommended weed control methods for Florida producers, describing crop competition, mechanical control, mulching, and herbicides. Includes a table of chemical weed controls for cucurbit crops in Florida. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.
HS-191/WG030 Weed Control in Eggplant
Revised! HS-191, a 3-page fact-sheet by William M. Stall, describes recommended weed control methods for Florida producers. Includes a table of chemical weed controls for eggplant in Florida. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.
ENY-843/IN715 Management of Insect and Mite Resistance in Ornamental Crops
ENY-843, an 11-page fact-sheet by James F. Price, Elzie McCord, Jr., and Curtis Nagle, defines pesticide resistance, how it is established, and resistance management. Includes tables summarizing modes of action for pesticides used in Florida ornamental production. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.
IPM-200/IN732 Introduction to the Growers IPM Guide for Florida Tomato and Pepper Production
IPM-200, a 5-page illustrated fact-sheet by N. C. Leppla, presents the IPM principles–past, present, and future–of pest management, advantages of IPM, and project objectives. Includes references. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.
ENY-679/IN472 Insecticides, Miticides and Molluscicides Available to Florida’s Floricultural Industry
Revised! ENY-679, an 8-page fact-sheet by James F. Price, Curtis Nagle, and Elzie McCord, Jr., lists the commercial products currently registered for arthropod and gastropod management in Florida’s commercial production sites, adding to the information available in crop-specific guides. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.
ENY-841/IN713 Causes and Management of Insect and Mite Resistance in Strawberry Production
ENY-841, a 6-page fact-sheet by James F. Price, Elzie McCord, Jr., and Curtis Nagle, defines pesticide resistance, how it is established and resistance management. Includes tables summarizing modes of action for pesticides used in Florida strawberry production. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.
ENY-290/IG140 External Parasites of Poultry
Revised! ENY-290, a 12-page fact-sheet by P. E. Kaufman, P. G. Koehler, and J. F. Butler, describes several external parasites of poultry in Florida, insecticide resistance, and control. Includes tables of pesticides registered in Florida for poultry pests and for insects in poultry houses. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.
FOR-128/FR184 Urban Forests in Florida: Do They Reduce Air Pollution?
FOR-128, a 3-page fact-sheet by Francisco Escobedo, presents the factors behind pollution removal by trees, estimates the amount of air pollution removal for three Florida cities, and presents strategies for managing urban trees for air quality improvement. Published by UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, October 2007.
HS-1113/HS368 Growing Bell Peppers in Soilless Culture under Open Shade Structures
HS-1113, an 4-page illustrated fact-sheet by Robert C. Hochmuth, Danielle D. Treadwell, Eric H. Simonne, Linda B. Landrum, Wanda L. Laughlin, and Lei Lani Davis, describes the results of trials of using soilless culture and shade to extend the bell pepper growing season through the hottest part of the summer and into fall. Includes tables of trial data. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2007.
HS-1121/HS338 Keys to Successfully Choosing Enterprises That Suit Your Small Farm
HS-1121, an 11-page fact-sheet by Robert Hochmuth, Larry Halsey, George Hochmuth, Chad Hutchinson, and Linda Landrum, helps farmers begin the decision-making process of evaluating alternative enterprises. It discusses key points to consider, and how to take a resource inventory before getting started. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, September 2007.
PI-158/PI195 Surviving the FDACS Bureau of Compliance Monitoring Inspection: Walking through an Inspection
PI-158, a 13-page illustrated fact-sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, assists agricultural producers in preparing for the day when the inspector arrives at their operation. It reviews the elements that an inspector for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Bureau of Compliance Monitoring (BCM) will examine during a routine agricultural establishment inspection. Includes references and a copies of related forms. Published by UF Department of Agronomy, November 2007.
CIR 1243/EP060 Amaryllis
Revised! Circular 1243, a 4-page fact-sheet by Sydney Park Brown and Robert J. Black, describes this subtropical bulb with large trumpet shaped flowers which is popular with Florida gardeners — its landscape uses, planting, general care, propagation, and disease and pest management. Includes references. Published by UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2007.
ENH-1054/EP300 Chapter 4 — Restoring Trees after a Hurricane
ENH-1054, a 10-page full-color fact-sheet by Edward F. Gilman and Tracy Partin, is part of the Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program series. It provides a step-by-step guide for restoring trees after a hurricane or wind storm so that trees can bring beauty and shade back to the community with reduced risk. Published by UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2007.
TP152/SG080 A Recreational Boating Characterization of Sarasota County
TP-152 is an 89 page illustrated report by Charles Sidman, Robert Swett, Tim Fik, Susan Fann, and Bill Sargent. It documents the methods, procedures, and results of a map-based mail survey that was distributed to Sarasota County boaters to obtain seasonal information about their boating preferences, user profiles, and travel patterns. Published by the UF Sea Grant College Program, January 2007.
4H5.6/4H256: Procedure for Handling 4-H Accounts—Establishing and Maintaining a County 4-H Foundation
Revised! 4H5.6, a 2-page fact-sheet by Marilyn N. Norman and Joy C. Jordan, explains how to establish and maintain a County 4-H Foundation, listing specific tasks and agent responsibilities. Revised to include information about how the DACS Charitable Group list pertains to 4-H. Published by UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.
FCS8567/FY066: Healthy Eating for Elders—Folate
Revised! FCS8567, a two-page fact-sheet by Linda Bobroff, explains what folate is, what foods it can be found in, and why it is an essential nutrient. Revised to include updated nutritional information. Published by UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.
FCS8842/FY966: Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce: Part 1
FCS8842, a facts-heet by Brian Lapinski, Amy Simonne, and M.E. Swisher, introduces readers to the PACE principles (prevention, accountability, control, and education) of food safety as they apply to small farm management. Includes a slide presentation. Published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.
FCS8845/FY969 Small Farm Food Safety, Fresh Produce, Part 4: Farm Map Activity
FCS8845, a 3-page fact-sheet by Brian Lapinski, Amy Simonne, and M.E. Swisher, provides a schematic map of a theoretical farm and invites readers to identify and comment on the potential food safety risks depicted.Published by UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2007.