FOR-120, an 11-page full color fact sheet by Francisco Escobedo, Rob Northrop and Wayne Zipperer, is part of the Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program series. It brings together the information and tools from previous fact sheets in this hurricane recovery series, changing the focus to the community rather than the homeowner or arborist and from individual trees to the urban forest. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2007.
Category: Uncategorized
FOR120/FR175 Chapter 9. Selecting Tropical and Subtropical Tree Species for Wind Resistance
FOR-120, a 13-page full color fact sheet by Mary L. Duryea and Eliana Kampf, is part of the Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program series. It presents the research and methodology that lead to lists of relative wind resistance for tropical and subtropical tree species. Includes recommendations for selecting and establishing tropical and subtropical species for a healthier and more wind-resistant urban forest. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2007.
FOR118/FR173 Chapter 5 – Wind and Trees: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes
FOR-118, a 17-page full-color fact sheet by Mary L. Duryea and Eliana Kampf, is part of the Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program. It reports on the lessons learned from research conducted after 10 hurricanes by scientists at the University of Florida/IFAS, providing many recommendations for homeowners and communities. Includes references. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2007.
SS AGR 277/AG282 Effect of Southern Chinch Bug on Weed Establishment in St. Augustinegrass
SS-AGR-277, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Curtis Rainbolt, Ronald Cherry and Russell Nagata, discusses the results of a study to further understand the relationship between southern chinch bugs and weeds in St. Augustinegrass in south Florida. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2007.
SSAGR-285/SC086 Performance of CP Sugarcane Cultivars Grown in Different Locations in Florida.
SS-AGR-285, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by Robert A. Gilbert, James M. Shine, Jr., and Ronald W. Rice, is part of the Sugarcane Handbook. It reports the results of a series of experiments that were designed to compare and contrast relative sugarcane cultivar perfomance at different locations throughout the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2007.
EENY-418/IN752 Elongate Twig Ant, Mexican Twig Ant (suggested common names), Pseudomyrmes gracilis (Fabricius) (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Pseudomyrmecinae)
EENY-418, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Patricia L. Toth, is part of the Featured Creatures collection. It describes this neotropical, arboreal ant best known for its associations with plants and its terrible sting, its synonymy, distribution, description, life cycle, nests, hosts, damage, and management. Includes selected references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, September 2007.
SS AGR 282/AG287 Trophy — A New Winter Oat Cultivar for Both Grain and Forage
SS-AGR-282, a 2-page fact sheet by Ann Blount, Ronald Barnett, Stephen A. Harrison, and Cheryl Mackowiak, describes this new winter oat cultivar with considerable potential for grain, forage, conservation tillage, and wildlife purposes in the Southern US. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2007.
SS AGR 289/AG293 Management Considerations for Wheat Production in Florida
SS-AGR-289, a 3-page fact sheet by D.L. Wright, A.R. Blount, R.D. Barnett, C.L. Mackowiak and J. Marois,lists production practices for small grains in Florida, including field selection, crop rotation, tillage, variety selection, planting period, seeding rates and tilth, rows, weed control, fertility at planting, nitrogen and sulfur application, fungicides, irrigation, harvest, and economics. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2007.
SS-AGR-29/AG260 Soil pH and Liming Issues Affecting Bahiagrass Pasture
SS-AGR-29, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by M. Silveira, J. Vendramini, J. E. Rechcigl and M. B. Adjei, discusses the relationships of soil acidity, nitrogen fertilizer, nutrient availability, and mole cricket-induced bahiagrass decline, and the results of a field study at Range Cattle REC in Ona, which evaluated the long term combined effect of liming and N fertilization on the performance of two bahiagrass pastures. Includes a summary and recommendations for grazing conditions in south-central Florida flatwoods. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2007.
HS1109/HS348 Florida Subtropical Peaches: Production Practices
HS-1109, a 15-page illustrated fact sheet by J. Ferguson, J. Chaparro, J. G. Williamson, R. Rouse and R. Mizell, discusses Florida peach production practices from nursery to post-harvest orchard management within the framework of a monthly production calendar. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2007.
HS1110/HS366 Rootstocks for Florida Peaches, Nectarines, and Plums
HS-1110, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by J. Ferguson and J. Chaparro, provides commercial nurseries and growers information about 'Flordaguard' rootstock, other rootstocks no longer recommended for Florida stone fruit and procedures for harvesting, cleaning, and stratifying 'Flordaguard' seed prior to planting. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, October 2007.
PP241/PP162 A Series on Diseases in the Florida Vegetable Garden: Watermelon
PP 241, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by Pamela Roberts, Rosa Muchovej, Tom Kucharek, Ken Pernezny, and Timur Momol, describes microorganisms that cause plant diseases, including fungi, bacteria and viruses, plus specific watermelon diseases. Includes tips for disease prevention. Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, October 2007.
SL 255/SS477 Strategies to Control Loropetalum Decline in Central Florida
SL-255, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Amy L. Shober and Gary L. Leibee, describes this unexplained condition affecting the Ruby cultivar of this popular woody ornamental plant (also called Chinese fringebush or Chinese witch hazel) in central Florida. It presents the results of two studies conducted to identify possible causes and develop management methods. It includes suggested alternative cultivars and treatment recommendations for existing plantings. Published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Sciences, October 2007.
FE699/FE699 Economic Impacts of the University of Florida and Affiliated Organizations, 2005-06: Executive Summary
FE699, a 21-page illustrated report by Alan W. Hodges, W. David Mulkey, and Thomas J. Stevens, evaluates the economic impacts of the University of Florida (UF) and its affiliated organizations on the state’s economy for the fiscal year 2005-06 using financial data together with regional economic models. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, October 2007.
ENH1081/EP336 Host Plant Resistance to Fusarium Tuber Rot in Commercial Caladium Cultivars
ENH1081, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Z. Deng, N.A. Peres, and B.K. Harbaugh, summarizes the results of studies conducted to determine whether any commercial caladium cultivars have resistance to this destructive disease affecting tuber production quality and quantity in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2007.
ENH1060/EP313 Chapter 10 – Selecting Quality Trees from the Nursery
ENH1060, an 8-page full color fact sheet by Edward F. Gilman and Laura P. Sadowski, is part of the Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program series. It discusses site conditions and after-care as related to maximum tree size at planting, root ball characteristics, appropriate tree production method, and tree structure, and describes quality factors to evaluate. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, September 2007.
FA146/FA146 Candidate Species for Florida Aquaculture: Evaluating an Aquatic Organism’s Aquaculture Potential
FA146, a 5-page fact sheet by Cortney L. Ohs and R. LeRoy Creswell, introduces a series detailing the potential of different aquatic organisms for aquaculture in Florida. It defines and describes important characteristics of aquatic species and discusses how these characteristics affect a species' aquaculture potential. Published by the UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, June 2007.
ENH1077/EP344 Normal “Abnormalities” in Palms
ENH1077, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by T. K. Broschat and M.L. Elliott, describes and illustrates some of these common “abnormalities” that
cause concern among palm owners. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2007.
PP 240/PG004 2007 Florida Plant Disease Management Guide: Apple (Malus sylvestris)
PP 240, a 13 page illustrated fact sheets, describes diseases common to apples in Florida, their symptoms, causal organisms, disease cycles and epidemiology, and management. Includes references and a table of fungicides approved for disease management of apple in Florida. Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, October 2007.
ENH1056/EP309 Design Solutions for a More Wind-Resistant Urban Forest
ENH1056, an 8-page full-color fact sheet by Edward F. Gilman and Traci Partin, is part of the Urban Forest Hurricane Recovery Program series. It describes how to adjust existing design situations where roots are in conflict with the landscape, how to design new situations where space is limited, sustainable parking lot design, and tree selection. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, September 2007.