CIR 1224 Handbook of Agricultural Laws

Revised! Circular 1224, a handbook broken into 8 parts, by Michael T. Olexa, Ian Alperstein, and Joseph Fischer, provides an accurate, current, and authoritative summary of the principal Florida laws that directly or indirectly relate to agriculture. It provides a basic overview of the many rights and responsibilities that farmers and farm land owners have under Florida laws. It includes the following publications:

  • Table of Contents
  • General Agriculture-Related Laws
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Crops and Products
  • Related Non-Crop or Product Agricultural Topics
  • Environmental and Conservation Regulations
  • Taxation and Property Rights Related to Agricultural Lands
  • Index

Published by UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, December 2007.

CIR 1513/UW255 Housing Crocodilians in Captivity: Considerations for Central America and Caribbean

Circular 1513, a 26-page illustrated circular by Matthew L. Brien, Michael S. Cherkiss, Mark W. Parry, Frank J. Mazzotti, provides information for facility planning, species selection, housing, safety, water quality and maintenance, heating and thermoregulation requirements, diet and feeding, captive breeding and rearing. Includes bibliography and references. Published by UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, February 2007.

IPM-202/IN755 Cultivar Selection in Tomato and Pepper Production

IPM-202, a 3-page illustrated fact-sheet by G. McAvoy, was compiled from material in “Chapter 2 – Tomato and Pepper Production” of the Grower’s IPM Guide for Florida Tomato and Pepper Production. It it provides guidelines for selecting varieties suited to a grower’s farming operation for greatest profitability. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, December 2007.

FA-151/FA151 The Role of Water Temperature in Hard Clam Aquaculture

FA-151, a 9-page illustrated fact-sheet by Kerry Weber, Leslie Sturmer, Elise Hoover, and Shirley Baker, describes the affects of water temperature in hard clam production in Florida — how it is measured, how it effects their physiology, signs of temperature stress, and how to manage for water temperature. Includes a glossary and references. Published by UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, October 2007.

SS-AGR-290/AG295 Control of Redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana) in Pastures

SS-AGR-290, a 2-page illustrated fact-sheet by Jason Ferrell, Brent Sellers and Joseph Walter, describes this wetland plant with red rhizome and flattened leaves which can be a problem in newly established, declining, or mole-cricket damaged pastures. Includes herbicide recommendations. Published by UF Department of Agronomy, December 2007.

HS-190/WG029 Weed Control in Cucurbit Crops (Muskmelon, Cucumber, Squash, and Watermelon)

Revised! HS-190, a 6-page fact-sheet by William M. Stall, describes recommended weed control methods for Florida producers, describing crop competition, mechanical control, mulching, and herbicides. Includes a table of chemical weed controls for cucurbit crops in Florida. Published by UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2007.

ENY-843/IN715 Management of Insect and Mite Resistance in Ornamental Crops

ENY-843, an 11-page fact-sheet by James F. Price, Elzie McCord, Jr., and Curtis Nagle, defines pesticide resistance, how it is established, and resistance management. Includes tables summarizing modes of action for pesticides used in Florida ornamental production. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.

ENY-679/IN472 Insecticides, Miticides and Molluscicides Available to Florida’s Floricultural Industry

Revised! ENY-679, an 8-page fact-sheet by James F. Price, Curtis Nagle, and Elzie McCord, Jr., lists the commercial products currently registered for arthropod and gastropod management in Florida’s commercial production sites, adding to the information available in crop-specific guides. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.

ENY-841/IN713 Causes and Management of Insect and Mite Resistance in Strawberry Production

ENY-841, a 6-page fact-sheet by James F. Price, Elzie McCord, Jr., and Curtis Nagle, defines pesticide resistance, how it is established and resistance management. Includes tables summarizing modes of action for pesticides used in Florida strawberry production. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.

ENY-290/IG140 External Parasites of Poultry

Revised! ENY-290, a 12-page fact-sheet by P. E. Kaufman, P. G. Koehler, and J. F. Butler, describes several external parasites of poultry in Florida, insecticide resistance, and control. Includes tables of pesticides registered in Florida for poultry pests and for insects in poultry houses. Published by UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2007.

FOR-128/FR184 Urban Forests in Florida: Do They Reduce Air Pollution?

FOR-128, a 3-page fact-sheet by Francisco Escobedo, presents the factors behind pollution removal by trees, estimates the amount of air pollution removal for three Florida cities, and presents strategies for managing urban trees for air quality improvement. Published by UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, October 2007.