Cull Cow Beef Quality Issues series

Figure 1. A cow that is thin and did not produce a calf is a candidate to enter the non-fed beef market as a cull cow. Credit: Matt Hersom, UF/IFASCull cattle are those that are sold from a herd for lack of performance, lack of resources, or genetic improvement The non-fed beef cattle market (cattle that are not managed through traditional feedlot finishing systems) is comprised primarily of cull cows and bulls. To address liability and food safety concerns, this series of articles discusses some quality defects identified in the non-fed beef market, how to prevent them, and how to address them when they appear in cattle.

VM-171/VM133 Methods of Large Animal Carcass Disposal in Florida

VM-171, a 4-page fact sheet by J.K. Shearer, Max Irsik and Ed Jennings, describes for livestock producers several methods of carcass disposal — burial, composting, tissue digestion, incineration, and rendering. Includes references. Published by the UF College of Veterinary Medicine — Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, July 2008.

VM173/VM135 Sepsis, Failure of Passive Transfer, and Fluid Therapy in Calves

VM-173, a 5-page fact sheet by Amanda M. House, Max Irsik and Jan K. Shearer, describes septicemia and neonatal infection in calves, how to ensure adequate passive antibody transfer as a preventative health measure, and how to manage fluid therapy for dehydrated calves. Includes references. Published by the UF School of Veterinary Medicine, August 2008.

VM-167/VM117 Emergency Considerations for Beef Cattle

VM-167, a 5-page illustrated guide by Max Irsik and Todd Thrift, provides a general overview of beef cattle handling, care, and health concerns which may be associated with a natural disaster such as a hurricane. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Veterinary Medicine-Large Animal Clinical Sciences, May 2008.

AN194/AN194 Biosecurity and Biological Risk Management for Livestock Enterprises

AN-194, a 6-page fact sheet by Matt Hersom, Max Irsik, and Todd Thrift, describes biosecurity and biological risk mananagement practices, basic biosecurity and BRM management practices, disease transmission routes, enterprise security, reasons to have a BRM plan, and biosecurity best management practices. Includes resource list. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, March 2008.

VM-120/VM089 Liver Fluke Control in Beef Cattle

Figure 1. Life Cycle Fasciola hepaticaRevised! VM-120, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by M.B. Irsik, Charles Courtney III, and Ed Richey, describes the control of Fasciola hepatica, one of the most damaging parasites in Florida cattle — its life cycle, damage to the animal and industry, life cycle of the intermediate host, diagnosis of liver fluke infection, and control of the liver fluke. Published by the UF College of Veterinary Medicine Large Animal Clinical Sciences Department, July 2007.