Estate Planning: Getting Started (FCS5239/FY538)

Green funeral statuary, Athens Archaeological MuseumEstate planning is a topic avoided by many people because it deals with attitudes and feelings about death, property ownership, business arrangements, marriage, and family relationships that family members may not be ready to discuss. It may also be avoided because family members disagree on how assets are to be handled. Although planning for the end of life may be uncomfortable, think of it as a gift to your family. By getting your affairs in order, you will save them a great deal of anxiety, time, and money even if you can’t spare them their grief. This 5-page fact sheet is the first in a series on estate planning tools and techniques. Written by Josephine Turner and Martie Gillen, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2011.

Estate Planning: Preparing a Letter of Last Instructions (FCS5238/FY537)

Grave relief showing the deceased and his widow in a funeral feast where they are depicted in a godlike manner. Roman marble work, 1st century AD.A letter of last instructions is one of the most helpful things you can provide for your family. The letter should express your wishes following your deathso that your personal representative or family member has the information he or she will need about your personal and financial matters. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Josephine Turner and Martie Gillen, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2012.