A Beginner's Guide to Water Management: Aquatic Plants in Florida Lakes

Figure 30. Littoral zone of Lake Newnan, Florida, July 2007.This circular represents a summary of current knowledge on aquatic plants and aquatic plant management strategies, highlighting the Florida situation. The major focus of this circular is the management of aquatic plants as opposed to dealing with nutrients, algae, or water clarity. Included are sections on aquatic plant biology, aquatic plant management problems, and aquatic plant management techniques. This 43-page guide was written by Florida LAKEWATCH; reviewed by Mark Hoyer, and published by the UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, June 2014.

CIR111/FA163 A Beginner’s Guide to Water Management: Aquatic Plants in Florida Lakes

Information Circular 111, a 27-page illustrated circular prepared by Florida LAKEWATCH, summarizes existing knowledge of aquatic plants and aquatic plant management strategies for Florida lakes. Includes references. Published on EDIS by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, December 2009.

CIR110/FA162 A Beginner’s Guide to Water Management – Fish Communities and Trophic State in Florida Lakes

Information Circular 110, a 36-page illustrated circular produced by Florida LAKEWATCH, provides a first step
towards understanding the relationships between fish populations and trophic state. Includes references. Published on EDIS by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, December 2009.