FAMU003, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Ray Mobley, Carmen Lyttle-N'guessan, and Thomas Peterson, describes the effects of external and internal parasites on goat health and production, common internal parasites in Florida (coccidia and helminthes), and preventative measures in controlling internal parasites infestation, including the FAMACHA© System. Includes references. Published by the Florida A & M University Extension, September 2009.
Tag: Herd Health Handbook for Goat Producers
FAMU004 The Herd Health Handbook for Goat Producers: Vaccination Protocol and Quality Assurance Measures for Goats
FAMU004, a 9-page fact sheet by Ray Mobley, Carmen Lyttle-N'guessan, and Thomas Peterson, outlines a year-round preventive-based health maintenance program for goats, including schedules for vaccinations and anthelmintics, and common medications with approximate withdrawal times. Published by the Florida A & M University Extension, September 2009.
FAMU006 The Herd Health Handbook for Goat Producers: Biosecurity at the Farm Level
FAMU006, a 20-page illustrated fact sheet by Ray Mobely and Carmen Lyttle-N'guessan, describes aspects of an effective bio-security program, bio-security measures, food safety concerns, and how HACCP works. Includes references and an appendices listing disease symptoms and possible treatments, and examples of treatment records. Published by the Florida A & M University Extension, September 2009.
FAMU007 The Herd Health Handbook for Goat Producers: Food Safety at the Farm Gate: A Holistic Approach to Food Safety and Herd Health
FAMU007, a 2-page fact sheet by Ray Mobley and Carmen Lyttle-N'guessan, provides an overview of the science-based strategies for ensuring food safety at the producer level. Published by Florida A & M University Extension, September 2009.