Developmental Coordination Disorder (FAR1816/FM1076)

children runningIn any classroom, you’ll find a wide range of physical skills. Some children are amazing artists but just average at kickball. Others excel at sports but struggle with handwriting. But a few children seem to have a hard time with most physical tasks. They may be affected by developmental coordination disorder, or DCD, a neurodevelopmental condition that causes difficulties with physical coordination. This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Carol Church, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, April 2013.

Factors of Adolescent Suicide (FAR1203/FM385)

sad teenage girl“The loss of a child to suicide can be particularly devastating to parents, friends, and others in the child’s life. When my daughter came home one day telling me of a classmate who was contemplating suicide, the flood of fear for her friend and for the fact that my daughter was so closely exposed to such pain was one of those life-stopping moments.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2012.

Teen Dating on the Decline (FAR1207/FM409)

movie theater date“Ah, the first date! This is coming up soon for some of my teenage friends. Chances are they will be excited—and nervous, too. And it’s no wonder. Child and family experts say that dating is a major change and one of the more challenging adjustments teens face.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Suzanna Smith, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Music Lyrics and Influence on Teen Sex (FAR1213/FM449)

Figure 1. Parental Advisory Explicit Content“As a baby boomer, I was part of the generation that grew up with rock and roll. I recall the first time I heard my mother respond to explicit lyrics my older brother was listening to and thinking what a renegade he was. They weren’t nearly as explicit as the lyrics of today’s music, and while I swore that I’d never become my mother, I now find myself fighting with my children to turn it off! Perhaps mom was not so far off-base after all!” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Donna Davis, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Effective Parenting in the Preadolescent Years (FAR1216/FM455)

Figure 1. Effective parents show love by spending time with their young teen, showing a genuine interest in them. This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Suzanna Smith, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Friends during Early Adolescence (FAR1215/FM454)

four friends pose together in school hallway“If you have a son or daughter between the ages of 10 and 14, you probably have heard, “But Mom, Dad, all my friends do, have, or wear…” something you don’t want them to do, have, or wear.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Suzanna Smith, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

Teens and Sleep (FAR1219/FM477)

teen boy sleeping“Keeping up with the daily schedule of a teenager can be exhausting. However, they are often the ones who are truly suffering! …” This transcript of a two-minute Family Album Radio broadcast was published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2012.

Strengthening Families: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development (FCS2306/FY1245)

mother coloring with son and daughterThe list of topics that parents need to master is almost endless, starting before birth and extending all the way to adulthood. Rather than trying to answer all of the questions parents might have, this 3-page fact sheet focuses on the ways in which parents can explore their own parenting and find information and solutions that work for them. Written by David C. Diehl, Jessica N. Wente, and Larry F. Forthun, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2011.

FAR0077/FM338 Understanding Your Child’s Temperament

FAR0077, a 2-page transcript of the Family Album Radio Program broadcast by Diana Converse and Donna Davis, describes nine behavior traits that are present at birth and can be used by parents to understand their children’s temperaments. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2009.

FAR0075/FM336 Three Basic Types of Temperaments

FAR0075, a 2-page transcript of the Family Album Radio Program broadcast by Diana Converse, describes three basic types of temperaments identified by child development experts to as patterns of behavior determined at birth. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2009.

FAR0101/FM304 Facts on Children’s Lying: What Every Parent Needs to Know

FAR0101, a 2-page transcript of the Family Album Radio Program broadcast by Kate Fogarty, describes research findings about lying in school-aged children and when parents should be concerned. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2009.