ADHD in Early Childhood: Part 2 – Information for Preschool Teachers (FCS2317/FY1330)

Figure 1. Preschool teachers should be aware of ADHD symptoms and should talk with a child’s parents if they believe a child should be tested for ADHD.Instructing children with ADHD can be a difficult task for many teachers, especially for those in the child care or preschool setting. Children with ADHD are often identified because they show problem behaviors in preschool. Early childhood educators should be aware of ADHD symptoms so that they can spot the signs of the disorder. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Heidi Liss Radunovich and Allie Munch, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.

ADHD in Early Childhood: Part 1 – Understanding ADHD in Preschoolers (FCS2316/FY1329)

Figure 1. It is difficult to spot and diagnose ADHD in young children because they are still developing in the areas of attention and focus.Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain-based disorder that involves difficulty with paying attention, staying still, and thinking carefully about things ahead of time. Preschool children with ADHD are a lot more hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive than children who do not have ADHD. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Allie Munch and Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2012.