This dwarf, more highly branched and rounder cultivar of Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' developed as a whole-stem mutation that was found within a large population of Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' plants. This 4-page fact sheet was written by R. J. Henny and J. Chen, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2011.
Tag: Aglaonema
ENH1117/EP382 Tropical Foliage Plant Development: Breeding Techniques for Aglaonema and Dieffenbachia
ENH-1117, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by R.J. Henny, J. Chen and T.A. Mellich, describes the techniques plant breeders can use for controlling flowering, effecting pollination, and securing seed production. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, May 2009.
ENH1091/EP355 New Florida Foliage Plant Cultivar: ‘Emerald Bay’ Aglaonema
ENH-1091, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by R.J. Henny, J. Chen, and T.A. Mellich, describes a new cultivar of this important foliage plant which shares many traits of the popular 'Golden Bay', but without the yellow background coloration in the leaves and petioles — its origin, description, performance, and availability. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, February 2009.
ENH1101/EP365 New Florida Foliage Plant Cultivar: Aglaonema ‘Stripes’
ENH-1101, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Henny, R.J. and J. Chen and T.A. Mellich, describes this hybridized Aglaonema cultivar with strong bands of silvery white coloration along the lateral veins, its origin, performance, recommendations, and availability. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, June 2008.