PI-156, a 3-page fact sheet by F. M. Fishel and J.A. Ferrell, discusses the effects of alkalinity and presents some methods for preventing this reaction in pesticide mixes. Includes references. Published by the UF Pesticide Information Office, June 2007.
Author: dihagan
FA-145/FA145: What Are Nutrient-Dense Fish Feeds and Their Importance in Aquaculture?
FA-145, a 4-page fact sheet by Richard D. Miles and Frank A. Chapman, describes the key nutrition concepts in aquaculture, the role of nutrient-dense feed in animal performance and environmental water quality, and the potential for improved feed manufacturing technology improve the profitability and sustainability of the aquaculture industry. Published by the UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, March 2007.
ENY-738S/IN724:La Leishmaniosis
ENY-738S, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge R. Rey, is the Spanish language version of ENY-738: Leishmaniasis. It describes this disease caused by parasitic protozoans transmitted to humans by sandflies. Includes description of the parasite, forms and symptoms, distribution, treatment, coinfection with HIV/AIDS and references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, June 2007.
Manual de la Ley de Propiedad y Cercado de Florida
<![CDATA[Spanish versions of the “Florida Fence and Property Law” handbook by Michael T. Olexa and Joshua A. Cossey,
has been updated with the following new content:
- FE-690/FE690: Tabla del Contenido
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FE690 - FE-691/FE691: Posesion Adversa
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FE691 - FE-692/FE692: Dominio Eminente
PP-236/PP158: A Series on Diseases in the Florida Vegetable Garden: Cantaloupe
PP-236, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Pam Roberts, Rosa Muchovej, Tom Kucharek, Ken Pernezny, and Timur Momol, is one of a series on Diseases in the Florida Vegetable Garden. It describes disease-causing organisms, specific common cantaloupe diseases, and some tips on disease prevention for the Florida gardener. Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, July 2007.
HS-1103/HS362: Mamey Sapote from Florida
HS-1103, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by A. R. Rafie, Jonathan Crane, Carlos Balerdi, and Steven Sargent, describes this fruit, how to pack it for shipment, supply, postharvest life, and preparation. Includes a table indicating seasonal availability of mamey sapote from Florida. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, June 2007.
HS-1102/HS356: Principios y practicas para el manejo de nutrientes en la produccion de Hortalizas
HS-1102, a 20 page fact sheet by Alejandra Sierra, Eric Simonne y Danielle Treadwell, explains 5 key principles and 3 key practices for nutrient management in vegetable production for Spanish-speaking audiences. Includes references, and several tables. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2007.
Dealing with Snakes in Florida’s Residential Areas series
<![CDATA[A series of four fact sheets by Steve A. Johnson and Monica E. McGarrity that provide information on how to identify snakes that are commonly encountered in residential settings in Florida, how to prevent negative encounters, and how to respond in the unlikely event that someone is bitten by a snake. Published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, July 2007.
- WEC-219/UW257: Introduction
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW257 - WEC-220/UW258: Identifying Commonly Encountered Snakes
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW258 - WEC-221/UW260: Preventing Encounters
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/UW260 - WEC-222/UW261: Emergency Planning
FOR 111/FR165: Starting an Informal Presentation in the Wildland-Urban Interface
FOR-111, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Martha C. Monroe and Lynn Weiss, highlights for extension agents the most important elements of starting successful presentations for homeowners. Includes references. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, April 2007.
FCS-2273/FY950: Autistic Disorder
FCS-2273, a 4-page fact sheet by Heidi Liss Radunovich, describes this disorder for parents, how it is diagnosed, how common it is, what causes it, what parents should do if they think their child has autistic disorder, and how it impacts families. Includes list of internet resources and references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2007.
CIR 1270S/FR141: Dale una Mano a los Bosques: Guía para Jefe de Proyecto
Circular 1270-S, a 74-page illustrated leader guide, is the Spanish language version of Circular 1270, “Give Forests a Hand Leader Guide” by Alison Bowers, Janice Easton, Martha C. Monroe, and Lizzie Peme, translated into Spanish by Gabriella Scollo. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2006.
CIR 1269S/FR140: Dale una Mano a los Bosques: Guía de Acción Juvenil
Circula 1269-S, a 109-page illustrated guide by Janice Easton, Martha C. Monroe, and Alison W. Bowers, is the Spanish language version of Circular 1269, Give Forests a Hand Youth Action Guide, translated by Gabriella Scollo. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2006.
WEC-224/UW264: Supplemental Feeding and Food Plots for Bobwhite Quail
WEC-224, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by William M. Giuliano, James F. Selph, Robert Hoffman, and Brandon J. Schad, describes considerations for a successful artificial feeding programs for bobwhite quail, including spreading feed and planting food plots. Includes a table of common food plot plants for bobwhites in Florida. Published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, June 2007.
SGEF-120/SG078: Preparing Blue Crab: A Seafood Delicacy
SGEF-120, a four-fold color brochure by Donald E. Sweat, illustrates how to pick the meat, and provides information on how to buy blue crabs. Published by the UF Sea Grant Extension Program, revised May 2007.
CIR 1516/FR169: Assessing the Economic Feasibility of Short-Rotation Woody Crops in Florida
Circular 1516, a 5-page paper by Matthew Langholtz, Douglas R. Carter and Donald L. Rockwood, describes a decision support system that can be used to determine the economic viability of SRWC systems for use in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, May 2007.
ENH-1066/EP301: Lisianthus ‘UF Savanna’ — Eight Colors of Heat-Tolerant Single-Flowering Cultivars Released by the University of Florida’s Lisianthus Breeding Program.
ENH-1066, a 5-page fact sheet by Brent K. Harbaugh and Zhanao Deng, reports the release of these cultivars appropriate for flowering potted plants, with intermediate height and a spray-type flower display. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, February 2007.
ENH-1067/EP302: Lisianthus ‘Double Joy’ — Five Colors of Double-Flowering and Heat-Tolerant Cultivars Released by the University of Florida’s Lisianthus Breeding Program
ENH-1067, a 5-page fact sheet by Brent K. Harbaugh and Zhanao Deng, reports the release of these cultivars appropriate for flowering potted plants of intermediate height. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, February 2007.
ABE-373/AE408: Organic Greenhouse Container Herb Production in South Florida: Fertilizer and Potting Media
ABE-373, a 6-page report by K. W. Migliaccio, T. Olczyk, Y. Qian, Y. Li, G. J. Hochmuth, R. C. Hochmuth, D. D. Treadwell, E. H. Simonne, L. S. Osborne, and R. K. Sprenkel, presents the results of trials conducted in 2005 and 2006 to compare organic fertilizers and potting media for greenhouse production of container herbs. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, May 2007.
FA-124/FA124: The Ornamental Fish Trade: An Introduction with Perspectives for Responsible Aquarium Fish Ownership
FA-124, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by E. J. Livengood and F.A. Chapman, aims inform aquarium owners about the ornamental fish industry so that they can make conscientious decisions about their purchases, andhelp protect the wild species and safeguard the natural environments. It describes how aquarium fish are collected or cultured, ecological considerations, and things a potential aquarist should know. Includes resource list. Published by the UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, May 2007.
SGEF-162/SG079: Venting: A Guide to Releasing Reef Fish with Ruptured Swimbladders
SGEF-162, a 2-page full-color brochure by John Stevely, Don Sweat, Chuck Adams, Rich Novak, provides a step-by-step guide to how to vent reef fish, and describes the venting tools available to fishermen today. Published by the UF Sea Grant College Program, January 2005.