The Fate of Nitrogen Applied to Florida Turfgrass

The quality of Florida’s surface and ground waters is of utmost importance to the flora and fauna living in them, as their growth is directly related to the amount of nutrients in these waters. In order to make informed decisions regarding nitrogen (N) applications to turfgrass, it is important to understand the N cycle in the soil/turfgrass system. The objective of this 8-page publication is to identify and describe the sources and potential fates of N applied to Florida turfgrass. Written by T.W. Shaddox and J.B. Unruh and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Environmental Horticulture, January 2018.

Iron for Florida Turfgrasses

Man standing on lawn while sprinkler soaks turfgrass in foreground

Iron (Fe) is commonly applied to enhance turfgrass color. Understanding the dynamics of Fe both in the plant and in the soil could greatly enhance your nutrient management programs. The objective of this 4-page publication is to explain the function of Fe within the plant, describe the Fe sources available for turfgrasses, and identify which forms of Fe are most effective in improving turfgrass quality. Written by Travis Shaddox and J.B. Unruh and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Environmental Horticulture, January 2018.

Soil Testing and Interpretation for Florida Turfgrasses

John Cisar, a professor of Environmental Horticulture at the University of Florida's Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, is studying how turfgrass and other landscape plants can help prevent nitrogen from leaching through the soil into groundwater, Wednesday - Aug. 13, 2003. He said three years of research have shown that turfgrass is most effective in reducing nitrogen leaching and should be used in Florida landscapes. Other plants require more time to become established and slow nitrogen leaching through the soil.
Most people agree that healthy, well-maintained turfgrass is a thing of beauty. The successful growth of turfgrass is aided by having knowledge of a few basic facts concerning the nutritional requirements of turfgrasses and the properties of fertilizer and liming materials. This four-page document will help the reader understand how soil testing may be used to more efficiently manage nutrient applications for Florida turfgrasses. Written by T.W. Shaddox and J.B. Sartain and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Soil and Water Sciences, October 2017.